Tuesday, September 21, 2010

oh boy, im bad into the moods..

HI y'all.. wow,, when was the last time i actually blogged? ... its been awhile.. yes it has..
i dont usually blog unless i got something exciting to write about or something depress..

yes u've guessed it right.. its the 'depress' side of me today..

hmm i havent been feeling awsome these past week.. why? well, its because of this guy i met.. omg i dont even wanna talk about it because it sounds so lame... =_=

anyways long story to short...
his name is leon. he lives in the United kingdom..
i dont think i need to write any further.

I made my mum and sister upset because of what i've done & havent done... man... everyone i see is hooking up with someone.. my sisters all have a partner except me.. i dont really mind that because i like being single becuase i have no worries.. but.. its just .. sometimes u are in need of love, comfort and warmth of someone who u really care ..

it seems that everytime i fall in love.. nothing comes out good...

im so goddamn ugly. im not worth anyone's time.


  1. yes, unfortunately. i did something stupid in the past. and yet till this day, i have no forgiven myself.
